Ironman Nutrition: The Best Carb Mixes of 2024
Updated 10 July 2024 I’m going to give you an in-depth guide to the best endurance mixes and powders. These are based on personal experience through years of testing in many half and full Ironman races. This review just covers the carbs and calories that …
The Best Disc / Time Trial Wheels for 2024
Updated 19 April 2024 Marginal gains. That's what they call often small improvements that can add up to a big effect. The disc wheel is one of the more significant marginal gains you can have. Simply by having a rear wheel that slices through the …
FORM Head Coach – How it Works
I said in a YouTube short a few months back that FORM Goggles changed my swim.
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And that was before they had come out with the HeadCoach metrics. HeadCoach is a single score that is comprised of five skills: Head Pitch Peak Head …
3 Things I did to Drastically Improve my Training
These three things worked for me, and they may be useful to you. They are so fundamental I've stuck with them for years. 1. Become accountable When I first started training on a regular schedule, I was only partially accountable, as I was only answering …
What does AI mean for the Future of Triathlon?
By Danny Convery Throughout the history of triathlon new technology has been at the forefront of faster times and enthralling races. Every decade or two, something really big comes along and changes the landscape of both racing and training. Whether it has been the adoption …
Training Plan Guide
If you just bought a triathlon training plan from me, here is a guide to help you get started. Getting Started First, you need an account in TrainingPeaks. You can get one here: New TrainingPeaks account To start, I recommend the free version. Then you …
The Best 4 Sodium Supplements in 2024 + 1 Surprise
Updated 24 Nov. 2023 Sodium is an electrolyte that is critical to maintaining adequate blood volume. And as the most abundant electrolyte in the body, not only do we lose a lot of it when we sweat, we need to replace it, as well. If …
Best Cycling Power Meters for 2024
Best power meters for cycling
Marathon Prep: A Practical Guide
An athlete of mine who is about to do his first marathon asked me if I had a checklist of things to prepare. He also had a few questions about nutrition and more, so I've put together a quick guide on what you need to …
PTO Asian Open Bib Colors & List
Image credit: PTO Following are the bib colors, numbers, names, countries, and PTO rankings for the pro triathletes competing in the PTO Asian Open in Singapore on 19 and 20 August, 2023. If you plan on watching the race, you can use these colors to …
25 Ways Triathlon Makes you Mentally Stronger
Triathlon may be incredible for the physical demands and adaptations it can create for the body, but once you realize the mental benefits you realize its true power. AI-generated image of triathletes swimming Here are just 25. Setting Goals: Triathlon requires goal-setting, which enhances mental …
101 Reasons to do a Triathlon
There are plenty of reasons to do a triathlon. Image of futuristic triathlete as generated by AI Here are only 101 of them: Physical fitness: Triathlon is a great way to improve your overall fitness level. Weight loss: Training for a triathlon can help you …
Mental Resilience in Triathlon through Stoicism
Triathlon is as much a mental battle as it is a physical test. In the pursuit of success, athletes often turn to philosophical concepts to shape their mindset and fortify their mental resilience. Stoicism, with its emphasis on control, planning for adversity, embracing fate, and …
Triathlon Socks
What are the best triathlon socks? They may seem like a trivial thing but they are critical. Get the wrong socks and you will end up with blisters and lots of discomfort. Also, the right socks will help in a faster transition – specifically if …
Dave Scott
Dave Scott is one of the most legendary, successful, and decorated triathletes in the history of the sport. He is a 6-time winner of the Ironman World Championship, having taken the title in 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, and 1987. Scott made history as the …
How to get AWA Gold, Silver, Bronze
All World Athlete, or AWA status is an accolade given to Ironman athletes each year. It comes with a digital certificate, an aluminum bag tag, stickers, and express check-in queues at events. To achieve "All World Athlete" status in Ironman racing, you need to accumulate …
Ideal Stroke Rate for Tri Swimming
I would bet you've heard the ideal cycling cadence is 90 and that the best running cadence is around 180. But how about swimming? Do you take fewer longer strokes and glide, or do you take more, shorter strokes and keep the power on? Or …
3 Hacks From 6x World Champ Dave Scott
We've interviewed 6x Ironman World Champion Dave Scott a few times, and here are a few tips he has given us. Aside from hearing about how he raced the school bus on his 3-speed bike as a kid, how he ate 8.5lbs (3.9kg) of ice …
Triathlon Products I LOVE
Updated 7 April 2024 Following are products I have bought and trained and raced with extensively, most for years. If I don't love it, it's not here. While some are affiliate links, all are my wholehearted, honest favorites. I'd love to hear your thoughts – …
HOTT: The Hierarchy of Triathlon Training
I have written about finding your 'why' or the underlying reason we train and race. And in doing so, I realized that many of us don't know our 'why' but we do know our 'what' and our 'how'. This led me to chart out these …