No matter your level, a coach is one of the best investments you can make.
Even most coaches have coaches.
If you’re a beginner, your coach will build you a training plan to get you in good enough shape to complete your race, hopefully injury-free and at a time you may not have been able to achieve on your own.
If you’re more advanced, your coach will give you objective structure and discipline by holding you accountable for the workouts given.
Leading up to the race, your coach will keep you disciplined and in shape. He or she will make sure you ramp up and taper at the right levels; he’ll be a sounding board for any concerns, worries, questions or advice you may have. With a coach, even if you are a fast and experienced athlete, you will not have to think about what to do when and how hard.
Finally, some coaches organize events, talks, dinners, and training sessions that pull in many other like-minded athletes. These are great opportunities to develop new friendships and training partners. Chat groups, forums, meetings, parties, training sessions and more are all going to empower and inform you and your ability to have more fun and be a better athlete. The enrichment I receive from fellow students of my coach is just as much as what I receive from my coach.