You know what one of the worst pains is? Itโ€™s when you get in the shower after a long ride and probably run and the water hits your groin.

It feels like you got sliced open with razor blades and then it got doused in vinegar or lemon juice.

Besides that, weโ€™ve all had blisters or cuts on our feet and body. The solution? 2Toms.

This product that has saved me, dozens of times. It’s a kind of roll-on that protects you from any chafing or abrasions you may get from the repeated sliding of your tri suit, heart rate monitor, timing chip, shoes, socks, whatever.

Before a race, I spread it all over my toes, ankles, groin (I won’t be any more specific), my chest, if using a chest heart rate monitor strap, my nipples, and around my arms where the sleeves of the trisuit tend to rub during the swim.

It’s such a good product that it’ll stay on even after a 1.9km swim, into the bike.

There are other products out there that do the same thing โ€“ but I havenโ€™t had the courage to try them when I know that this one will work. Itโ€™s a bit expensive, but I donโ€™t care. The pain is worse.

Such a simple solution to such an unnecessary discomfort.

Ironic? Yes, maybe, but this is not one of the pains I embrace.

The links above are affiliate links – if you buy one of these products IronmanHacks may earn a buck or two, and it won’t cost you a thing.

Related tips:

#28: Wear short socks

#31: Ignore the pain