We all want to knock out a 2:45 marathon. But thatโ€™s not really likely for most of us. Many of us age-groupers will end up walking a bit of the run at least, even in 70.3s.

Even if I donโ€™t need to (in a 70.3) Iโ€™ll walk a bit to bring my heart rate down, especially in sweltering, tropical races.

So whereโ€™s the best place to do it? You might as well kill two birds with one stone and walk the aid stations.

It can double-up as where you feed yourself, too. Itโ€™s always easier to grab that drink or gel while walking than while running.

For example, when I raced the 70.3 in Bintan, Indonesia, in 2018 I was feeling pretty good in the run and didnโ€™t especially need to walk โ€“ no cramps, no heart rate problems, and I wasnโ€™t that tired.

But if I was going to be putting ice in my hat, dousing myself with cold water, and grabbing a snack, I might as well do so comfortably, walking.

Hopefully you won’t have to walk anywhere else.

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Related tips:

Tip #9: Wear a hat, not a visor