When I interviewed pro triathlete and world champ title holder Tim Reed, one of the tips he gave me was to adjust your bike position to the point where it’s super comfortable.
“If you can’t hold your aero position for most of the race than you’re better off losing a little bit of aerodynamics and getting comfortable than trying to be aggressive and getting out of that position 15, 20, 30 times through the race,” Tim said.
“One of the things that Cam Wurf told me was that comfort is king when it comes to being fast in a time trial.”
“So how did you do that, did you get a new fit?” I asked him.
“I just raised the front end. I just played around with things. Obviously the power comes up quite a lot when you bring everything up, your breathing is a little less restricted.”
“It’s a trade off between that and aerodynamics but I found that the trade-off still worked out better for me to be higher up and just open up that hip angle a little bit more.”
“Even getting someone to film you while you’re on the trainer…you get the footage and ‘yeah, definitely too aggressive or the saddle’s too low’. All these things you sometimes can’t feel but you can see straight away.”
Watch this part of Tim’s interview here.
View his full interview here.
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